Ten Quick & Healthy On The Go Breakfast Solutions
As we all know, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, however due to our busy lifestyles this is a meal that we sometimes skip. That is why we have come up with ten quick & healthy breakfast solutions that can either be prepared the night before or whipped up within minute each morning before rushing out the door.
1. Smoothies

Why not kick start your day with a tasty breakfast smoothie, these are a great way to introduce fruit and vegetables into your morning routine. They can also be whipped up in minutes and there are endless flavour options, what’s not to love?
2. Fruit Salads

As well as beings one of the healthiest and nutritious solutions, Breakfast Fruit Salads are perfect to eat while on the go! Breakfast Fruit salads are also great for kids, as they can be fun, colourful and adapted to suit any taste buds.
3. Overnight Oats

Overnight oats provide a hearty healthy breakfast for people who don’t have time to make a meal when they wake up. These are also packed full fibre, vitamins, and nutrients so are a great way to kick start your day.
 4. Breakfast Cookies

If you’re looking for a quick breakfast snack that you can grab as you are running out the front door, then breakfast cookies are your solution. To make your supply last longer we suggest you buy individually wrapped cookies or keep them in an airtight container.
5. Waffles

Inject some fun into your morning with breakfast waffles. These are a simple and tasty way to start your day. The topping options are endless, so whether it is sweet of savoury that tickles your taste tubs, there is sure to be one that suits you.
 6. Eggs

Boiled, fried, scrambled, poached or as an omelette, how to you like your eggs? If you are looking to start the day with a cheap, low-calorie, protein-loaded breakfast, then eggs are your answer and with countless recipe options available you will never get bored with this simple and tasty product.
7. Parfaits

Parfaits are traditional a French dessert, however is recent year they have been adapted to become a tasty breakfast solution. To create your own breakfast parfait simply layer your favourite yogurt, fruit and granola into a pint jar. As well as looking good, they also tastes great.
 8. Muffins

If you have a little more time on your hands and are looking for a morning treat, why not try some tasty breakfast muffins. These can be as simple or complicate as you like but the outcome is always the same, a mouth-watering start to your day.
9. Granola

Simple yet nutritious, granola provides a tasty breakfast solution with some added health benefits. Whole grain oats and nuts are two main ingredients in most granola, these dietary fibres help to regulate digestion and prevent constipation. Granola can also be used to create some filling breakfast bar or parfait.
10. Pancakes

Sweet or savoury, which is your favourite? Pancakes are another versatile breakfast solutions that can be adapted to suit any taste buds. Whether it’s a traditional British pancake or a French crêpe, everyone has his or her favourite type of pancake.
So that’s our top ten quick & healthy on the go breakfast solutions. We hope there was something there to suit your taste buds and busy lifestyle. If not, make sure and let us know your suggestions and we might even include them in our next blog post.