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Summer What lauren eats at SPAR
Lauren shares her week of dinners for £35 from SPAR!

This weeks recipes include:

  • Boursin lasagne 
  • Honey BBQ sesame pulled chicken
  • Honey chilli halloumi with noodles 
  • Sticky sausage and veg tray bake served with creamy champ
  • Tuscan chicken with creamy Boursin pasta 


£35 got all the ingredients for 5 dinners and plenty of leftovers for lunches.

Each recipe serves 4. *The shop doesn't include cupboard staples such as oil, spices and flour

Boursin lasagne

You will need:

  • Pack of SPAR mince 
  • Teaspoon garlic 
  • One onion finely chopped 
  • 3 carrots finely chopped 
  • Tin chopped tomatoes 
  • 100ml Beef stock 
  • 150 ml passata 
  • Handful cherry tomatoes 
  • Tablespoon mixed herbs 
  • Teaspoon oregano 
  • Salt and pepper 
  • Lasagne sheets 
  • Half a box of Boursin cheese 
  • Two tablespoons butter 
  • Two tablespoons flour 
  • 200ml milk (any)
  • 50g cheddar cheese 


  1. Add your garlic and onion to a pan and sauté for a few mins. Then add in your carrots and mince.
  2. Brown your mince off and then add in chopped tomatoes, tomatoes, stock and passata and mix well. Cook over a medium heat for 10 mins. 
  3. Add in your seasoning and then reduce to a simmer, add a lid and leave to cook for 30 mins.
  4. When your mince mix is nearly ready, you can begin your white sauce. Add butter to a pan and melt it, then slowly add in flour. Once you have formed a roux, slowly add in your milk bit by bit. When the white sauce is nearly finished, add in salt and pepper and the Boursin cheese. Mix through until cheese is melted and sauce is thick.
  5. Now time to layer your lasagne. Add mince mix, lasagne sheets, white sauce and repeat twice. Finish top layer with Boursin white sauce and cheddar.
  6. Cover the lasagne with tinfoil and make sure to spray the inside side with oil so the cheese doesn’t stick. Add lasagne to oven at 180 degrees for 25 mins. After 25 mins remove the foil and add back in for a further 10 or until cheese is golden and bubbly. 
  7. Serve with salad and garlic bread.

Honey BBQ sesame pulled chicken

You will need:

  • 3 chicken breasts 
  • 150ml chicken stock 
  • 100ml bbq sauce 
  • Three tablespoons honey 
  • Teaspoon sesame seeds 


  1. Add ingredients to a slow cooker and cook on low for 4 hours.
  2. Remove half the liquid and shred the chicken. Add in and extra tablespoon of bbq sauce and honey and teaspoon of sesame seeds. Return to heat for 30 mins.
  3. If you don’t have a slow cooker you can do this in oven, just have it on a low heat and in an oven proof dish.
  4. Serve with brioche buns, salad and coleslaw.
Honey chilli halloumi with noodles

You will need:

  • SPAR egg noodles 
  • One pepper 
  • One onion 
  • Block of halloumi 
  • Dark soy sauce 
  • Sweet chilli sauce 
  • Honey 
  • Garlic 
  • Spring onions 


  1. Add your pepper, onion and garlic to a pan and cook until soft. Add in your noodles, two tablespoons dark soy sauce and two tablespoons sweet chilli.
  2. Meanwhile, cut halloumi into slices and fry in a pan. Mix together honey chilli sauce - two tablespoons sweet chilli, two tablespoons dark soy, teaspoon garlic, teaspoon chilli and some water. Add this into pan to coat halloumi.
  3. Serve the halloumi with your noodles and finish with spring onions and sesame seeds.

Sticky sausage and veg tray bake served with creamy champ

You will need

  • 6 SPAR pork sausages 
  • 4 potatoes cut into cubes 
  • 4 carrots cut into cubes 
  • Two onions roughly chopped 
  • 2 leeks roughly chopped 
  • 2 peppers chopped 
  • Two tablespoons honey
  • Mixed herbs 
  • Paprika
  • Champ 


  1. Cut your veg up, season with mixed herbs and paprika and add to a tray with baking paper for 45 mins at 170 degrees.
  2. After 30 mins of cooking add your sausages onto tray and coat with honey and paprika. Cook until sausages cooked through (approx. 15 mins) - turn sausages throughout.
  3. Serve with champ.
Tuscan chicken with creamy Boursin pasta

You will need:

  • 3 chicken breasts coated in Italian seasoning, paprika, salt and pepper.
  • Tablespoon garlic
  • One pepper 
  • One onion 
  • Two handfuls frozen broccoli 
  • Chicken stock cube 
  • Handful tomatoes 
  • Half box Boursin cheese 
  • 50ml milk 
  • Parmesan 
  • 300g dry pasta ( I used spaghetti) 


  1. Season your chicken well and cook off in the pan. Once cooked set to the side.
  2. In the same pan, add in your garlic, pepper and onion and cook until soft. Add in your tomatoes and cook off.
  3. Start cooking your spaghetti as per packet instructions in salt water.
  4. Add in a ladle of pasta water into the veg in the pan and sprinkle in a chicken stock cube. When spaghetti is ready, drain and set to side. 
  5. Add in your frozen broccoli.
  6. When veg is cooked, add in the milk and Boursin cheese and combine well until it forms a sauce.
  7. Add in your cooked drained pasta to the pan and mix well. Season with salt and pepper and a sprinkle of Parmesan.
  8. Top with the chicken and serve.