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In Season

Easy Tomato Soup

Easy Tomato Soup

Enjoy a cosy bowl of easy tomato soup made with our fresh greengrocer tomatoes and simple ingredients. Ready in just 35 minutes, this tasty soup is perfect for busy days. With a smooth, creamy texture and a hint of sweetness, it pairs wonderfully with toasted bread for a quick and comforting meal!

At a Glance





Prep Time:

5 mins

Cooking Time:

30 mins

What you'll need:

  • 4 cups chopped fresh The Greengrocer tomatoes​
  • 2 cups chicken broth​
  • 4 cloves garlic​
  • 1 large sliced The Greengrocer Onion​
  • 2 tbsp butter​
  • 2 tbsp flour​
  • 2 tsp white sugar, or to taste​
  • 1 tsp salt, or to taste


  1. Combine tomatoes, chicken broth, garlic cloves, and a large slice of onion in a stockpot over medium heat. Bring to a boil, and gently simmer for about 20 minutes to blend flavors.​
  2. Remove from heat and blitz the mixture in a food processor. ​
  3. Melt butter over medium heat in the now empty stockpot. Stir in flour to make a roux by cooking, whisking constantly, until mixture turns medium brown.​
  4. Gradually whisk in a bit of the tomato mixture to prevent lumps from forming, then stir in the rest.​
  5. Season with sugar and salt to taste.​
  6. Serve hot and enjoy with some toasted breads! ​